Scottish Highland Cattle

The Scottish Highland is a majestic and hardy heritage breed, with a compact, smaller size that makes them a good fit for homesteaders.

Fiona and Merida in the field at Two Fox Farms

Highland Cattle

The breed originated in the rugged and harsh terrain in the Highlands of Scotland over 1500 years ago. They are a very hardy breed by nature, having to endure extreme weather on the island with only the fittest of the fit surviving and passing on their genes. In Scotland, due to their calm and friendly nature, the bred was mainly used as a house cow meaning they would live a stall in the house during the harshest winters. They were kept for their milk, which has a high butterfat content, and for their exceptional meat quality. Highlands were brought over to America in the late 1800’s to cross with domestic breeds who could use a boost hardiness to the lineage. The long hair and double coat of the Highland breed allows it to not require to build a thick layer of back fat. This lets the meat marble beautifully on foraging alone and produces a lean, high quality cut of beef.